Centaur Gamed: God of War III

Art by Andy Park

With the vast improvements in digital gaming over the last decade it should be no surprise that the violence and bloodshed depicted is now even more gruesome and horrific. I guess if you enjoy playing war games you become completely desensitized to the sheer depravity of killing sprees that most of these games consist of. The rewards in God of War III don’t come unless you prove your skill as a fighting machine and, as in this case, disembowel your fierce opponent. After all you’d better be willing to take them out first or your bloody toast.

The centaurs in God of War III are the size of battleships and every bit as formidable. Unfortunately, the real weapons a centaur has to use are just about never called upon in this game. Instead of kicking opponents to death or merely crushing them under their impressively muscular bulk, the standard issue battle-axe is what comes between centaurs and their opponents. You would think that with all the time and money invested in this game that some imagination and practical skill quotients would be called open. God of War III is outstanding in design and appearance, yes. But, from what I’ve seen in these clips on YouTube, that is about all I’m impressed with. I admit I don’t play this sort of game. However, if they were to create a decent one that wasn’t based solely on mortal combat and malicious mayhem, I might become interested.

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