Daily Archives: January 10, 2012

Serious Centaur Art: The Taurs of Shishir Naik

I received a very nice email today thanking me for posting art from the artist of these fine pieces, Shishir Naik.

Generally, when I get unsolicited emails from artists I am a bit paranoid that I’m going to be taken to task for posting the artist’s work without permission. Something I do frequently because I don’t have the time to find and post art as well as write artists for permission and await their replies. In the past when I tried that I found that most wouldn’t even do me the courtesy of responding with a simple “NO.” I decided it would be better form to just remove the art from my blog and apologize for ever paying the compliment of posting it in the first place, when asked to do so. Personally, I gain no profit from this blog and I sincerely believe it provides a service for all those who love centaurs including the many talented individuals who take the time to create centaur-related images, etc.

Such a talented artist is Shishir Naik. These works are romantic and rich with story-telling fantasy. I am very pleased to post them here at Centaurica.

To visit Shishir Naik’s illustration blog go here.

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