Daily Archives: January 25, 2012

Animalia: Lola We Hardly Knew Ye

Baby Elephant Lola on November 22, 2011

This is extremely sad news. It takes far longer for a mother elephant to bring a baby to full term than it does for a human mother. That is one of the major reasons why elephants are a threatened species. Last year was a very bad year for elephants world-wide with serious poaching and abuse problems. It would be a tragedy to lose these magnificent, intelligent, and loving animals because people want their tusks, ears, and hide, among other things, for selfish and illegal reasons. Or because they are forced into lives of servitude and abused. If we don’t act now to stop the atrocities committed against elephants our ancestors will only know them from pictures in books and films.

Here is the story:

A baby elephant at a German zoo who suffered from heart problems has passed away.  Lola would’ve been the world’s first elephant to have heart surgery to remove a blood clot, but died during preparations for the operation.  At just three months,  during a CTA…

via Elephant Herd Mourns Loss of Calf.

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Serious Centaur Art: On Ancient Pandora

Art by D Melges

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What If?: Bartaur

Art by gulliver 63

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Super Serious Centaur Art: Going For You Next

Art by Julax Darkgift

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Centaur Art 1/25/12

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Serious Centaur Art: Thunderhoof On The Hunt

Art by wfa for Aether718 of his character Thunderhoof.

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